This is my first post of reviewing one of my class mates favourite game play moment video where they discuss what their favourite aspects and moments from their favourite game they like to play which is Outer Wilds. The main premise of Outer Wilds is that it's about exploration, puzzles (and solving a mystery), the game doesn't really tell you why you have to explore the environment you're in or the fact there is a mystery and how you can figure out this mystery, though the game does reward the player for being curious and discovering new secrets within areas you have discovered or have never even set foot on yet.
They explained thoroughly about the definitive features of the game such as the fact that during the first (in-game) 20 minutes you learn you have a limited amount of time to explore the game world until the sun suddenly collapses in on itself and turns supernova thus sending you back 22 minutes previous to that event occurring, but you also discover that the time limit doesn't mean that the game is fully over and that you have failed (once the time limit has been reached), you are given the possibility to stop this event occurring again by using the knowledge you keep on gaining whilst exploring this universes‘ secrets, even when the "time limit" ends, you do keep the knowledge that you discovered before it ended so you don't have to stick to the time limit that the game sets out onto you during the beginning of the game since you don't lose the knowledge that you gained prior - the game is more about exploration rather than just rushing the game to get to the end.
They also captured visually how enthralling the world environment is which, in my opinion I can also see why they enjoy this game despite how short you get to experience the moment (10 mins roughly) they expressed the enjoyment of discovering the lore and the secrets of the environment you get to encounter which is what drew me into the video from the way the footage has been presented and captured it made me almost want to experience this game play for myself to deeply understand why that game play moment means so much to them. You can read, explore, learn and freely wander around until you uncover an entirely new clue before the sun goes supernova and you have to explore the world again, so you could set out and make it your goal to at least discover one new thing about an area you explore, this will encourage the player to have a purpose in the game that purposefully is vague about the goals you need to complete in the game.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed watching their game play moment as I really liked how even though the beginning moments of the game feel really short you can set out to complete your own goal within the game rather than just a required goal for a player to follow and complete. In terms of critique, there aren’t any moments that I felt I should heavily critique as it was presented in a clear and informative way, even though players might be taken a back to the idea that during the first few minutes (20 minutes), the game resets and players for the first time players could be confused by why the game has suddenly reset back to beginning of the game especially during the first few minutes, then they suddenly realise that the rules and the main objective of the game is meant to be altered and the game is meant to be fully explored with every cycle you enter after the world resets itself is when players fully discover what the actual main purpose of the game is supposed to be about.