Now that I have thought about my gameplay experience for my game, I now need to think about the core gameplay loop of the game I to create (based off of my essential experience). When it comes to the core gameplay loop of a game three factors need to be considered (or the gameplay loop performa); activity and risk, reward and opportunity these are the motivational aspects and the drive that allows players to enjoy the fundamentals of the game and have a sense of pleasure and amusement when it comes to experiencing the game.
The potential gameplay loop when it comes to activity and risk is that I want to consider for my game is the ability to slow down objects and manipulate them for the act of progression such as to jump towards the other side of a cliff (for example) however if not done properly or “within time so to speak“ then you risk falling off and missing the cliff (or objective you need to get to thus losing health).
When it comes to reward the player can progress to an entirely new area which contrasts with the previous area the player was just in, for example, the player was once in a peaceful and serene area now the player is in an area which is bleak and unsettling.
When it comes to opportunity is that it gives players the chance to manipulate objects (& the scenery?) in ways they aren't possible to perform in real life ~ by stopping time and adapting to the environment in order to advance.
Below I have created a storyboard based off of one of the gameplay loops I thought of based off of the gameplay loop idea about time manipulation and what it could look like in a cutscene.
The first image shows a person about to approach a barren tree located at the edge of this cliffside (the one with a tree stump directly next to it) and the other side - with the cracked details of the cliffside on show - is not reachable from the side that the person is currently standing on, this helps to create a sense of mystery as the cliff on the other side is shrouded with a forest of trees and eerie darkness that the person in this picture almost feels distracted and isn't really paying any attention to the environment around them.
Then suddenly in the second image, the ground starts to rumble and shake which is shown by the tiny circles drawn on the grass which are tiny pieces of rubble - usually to represent the ground shaking from a pictorial viewpoint, an artist would normally draw pieces of rubble on the surface of drawing then draw squiggly lines on top and on the bottom of the rubble to show the shaking motion of the rubble.
The events occuring in the second image start to impact the character and it's shown in the third image, the character has a shocked expression depicted on their face, I haven't the character's whole face as this is before I chose to do an actual character design concept for my game but also you can still express emotion without showing the characters whole face even just showing just eye line of the character as wide eyes with raised eyebrows shows an expression of shock or amazement because when your iris expands, it means that you are focused on something of high interest and curiosity, so therefore even if you don't have a full character design on show for a storyboard you can still express a sense of emotion even if you don't have a design of the whole face.
The fourth image shows the tree, shown in the first image, starting to crack due to the force of the ground shaking and is about to break and crack which the event continues over by the fifth image shows that it's about to topple over to the side towards the edge of the ominous cliff side and is about break on impact if it reaches the very bottom so this adds a sense of suspense within this picture so a quick decision must be made if the person wants to cross to the other side without any risk of injury.
So with the sixth image, the character feels an instinct to reach out their hand with a 'reach out and stop' pose which when the character does this motion, this showcases the main game mechanic at work here in the final seventh image as shows the tree has stopped in place and has now landed on the edge of the other cliff due to the character literally stopping the tree and place and refusing to let the tree fall and crash to the very bottom and now this allows the character to now reach the other side and explore a completely new area, this opens up the idea about curiosity and how the character would risk using a broken tree as a platform and possibly ending up like the tree if they didn't act as quickly as they did as well as the fact that is the area they are going to explore now going to entel more risky scenarios to tackle and think about.
Pitch idea
- With the use of time manipulation, navigate your way through this surreal world, this will either aid you or become a disadvantage towards you. Use your ability wisely...