So I need to think of some type of world design that could fit around my essential experience. What I think about when it comes to the world design that could closely match to my essential experience is a very mystical and mysterious world which is completely separate from the real world like for example, think of how the beginning concept of how Alice in wonderland is laid out of how she notices a rabbit run into a rabbit hole and she crawls into this rabbit hole and ends up continuously falling to what seems like a never ending void and when she reaches some form of the bottom of the hole, she gets transported to this mystical world that is the complete opposite of the world that she‘s been used to in the normal world that she’s lived in throughout her entire life. Though obviously it shouldn’t be lead out the exact same way as in the novel but in a similar way to give that remote impression of stepping into a world that is entirely different from the regular world that we‘re all used to seeing, though with the current events of the world right now, having that feeling of escapism from reality is what everyone draws to when they play video games as playing games can bring that sensation of relaxation and wonder (even if it’s a stress-inducing game like blood borne).
Down below is a mood board that I feel would inspire the ideal world for my game such as for example, the image with tree with a door inside it could be the door that the main character enters so that they get transported into the main hub world of my game. The picture on the bottom section of the mood board (the image with the drawbridge connecting to a tree with bushes floating downwards) this could represent what the player could see from their perspective of the world that they are exploring or this could be an area of the game that the player is exploring to go to a general store to buy more items. The picture with the glowing mushrooms and the hut would be a direct reference to the environment I built on blender and the mushroom puzzle mechanic that I talked about on that blog post and the hut could be the home of the alchemist that the mushroom npc was talking about during my dialog system workshop blog post. The ideal setting of the this game is definitely a fantasy forest type aesthetic with areas that are either accessible through the use of time manipulation or they could only be accessible at a certain time of the day which further adds to the time manipulation concept being implemented into my game for the act of progression.

Now I need to think of some possible character designs I would like within my game, when it comes to thinking back to my essential experience, I feel like my character look like an explorer but isn‘t the typical adventurer that carries around a sword and a shield all the time but they will carry some form of artillery that they will gain throughout the journey of the game rather than at the very beginning of the game as the main story concept of how this character are just an ordinary person living out their ordinary day to day life in the ordinary world that they live in, then suddenly, as they‘re relaxing in the garden of their own cottage home (in the countryside), they suddenly notice among the trees in their garden, one of the trees has a weird door shaped carving on it and they curiously go over to the tree to investigate the tree, as they start to approach the tree, an ominous light starts to glow around the edge of the carved door and the door starts to slowly open and they start to curiously step inside the door and crawls inside, but then as they get fully inside of the tree, the bottom of the tree is completely hollow and the character suddenly starts to fall continuously down this tree. As they eventually reach the very bottom, the main world is introduced but in a catastrophic turn of events as the world is in peril caused by a treacherous villain corrupting this mythical world (more of the story will be explained in a separate post).
So down below is a mood board of the type of look that I want my main character to look like with a lot of neutral/nature based colours nothing too dramatic and bright neon esque colours, in terms of clothing it needs to look like that the character will be able to get around easily in the clothing and aren’t held down whilst jumping around and exploring high places. I don’t have any particular preference in terms of the actual appearance of the character in terms of hair colour, eye colour etc. as long as the character gives off that “adventurer” type appearance.
