The category for my game falls under the European rating system for video games being PEGI 7 or the American ESRB rating as E for everyone, as the content in the game mainly contains moderate violence as the character mainly uses potions as their weaponry and doesn’t equip a sword to deal damage to enemies, plus when enemies are attacked they do not draw blood of any kind and when they’re defeated they just puff up into smoke and disappear and any items from the enemy are the only type of source left by the enemy and not the enemies body itself. So it isn’t the typical type of gruesome violence that is depicted in 18+ rated games but in the context of cartoon violence instead.
The reason as to why I haven’t categorised my game within the ESRB rating of E for Everyone 10+ as even though the official ESRB rating system under that category does states that it should contain cartoon violence but it does create more harm than E for everyone’s rating system as in a game such as Minecraft that is rated as an E for Everyone 10+ you can light animals on fire using the flint and steel tool and they do have a damage/pain sound that plays continuously until the creature is defeated, which is a little bit more violent compared to an E for everyone type game so it is quite difficult to place my game under that E for Everyone 10+ category due to the violence description part of the rating.
The games dialog system when other characters are talking do not describe any dialog in any explicit or grotesque detail mainly the type of language that is appropriate for children to understand but also the type of humour that adults can understand even in a simplistic context that shouldn’t need to include explicit adult humour.