The story behind this game is that Elise, the main character, is just an ordinary girl living her day to day life in her countryside home, then one day as she’s relaxing in her garden reading her favourite novel, she notices that one of the trees in her garden has a weird door shaped carving on it, as she starts to approach this tree, a weird glow starts blinking behind the tree shaped door and the door slowly opens and the new built curiosity within her feels tempted to crawl inside into this tree.
As she‘s crawling inside of this tree she suddenly notices that the bottom of the tree is entirely hollow and she suddenly starts to fall extremely fast down the tree, as she’s continuing to fall she feels as sense of regret and worry if she will survive this fall. Whilst she’s falling, a mysterious aura swims around her and phases through her which breaks her fall gradually and very slowly (this is were she gains a mysterious time induced power that she isn’t aware of until later) so that she doesn’t injury herself when she reaches what seems like a never ending bottom to this mysterious tree.
She does surprisingly reach the bottom and there is another wooden carved door which is identical to the door she just entered earlier, as she begins to twist the door knob, she takes a deep breath before even thinking about fully opening the door, she quickly opens the door in excitement and she’s greeted to a fantastical world that’s she or any person has ever encountered before, as she’s distracted by the wonder of this world she notices the villagers walking around tall and short, some with mechanical arms, some with mechanical legs and some not even human at all!
But the world isn’t all pleasant as one of these villagers is shrouded in mystery by their cloak and notices a sinister grin plus a red glowing eye, then this sinister character pulls over their hood to reveal their face and violently throws a smoke bomb portal to release horrific beasts out of this portal causing terror and recking havoc to the villagers houses causing the villagers to be distressed and scream in terror.
Elise reaches out her hand unthinkably as if she’s reaching out to stop the building‘s rubble from injuring one of the villagers running to get away, as the villager cowers in fear as they think the inevitable of them being buried by a pile of the buildings rubble, the rubble suddenly stops in mid air and naturally both the distressed villager and Elise herself are shocked from this sudden power she suddenly has obtained in this world, this naturally makes the villain irritated at Elise and orders the enemies by their side to attack her to not cause any disruption in their treacherous plan.
Now its time for Elise to decide to either cower in fear and go back to her ordinary life or stay in this mythical world and stop this villain causing harm to others and potentially destroying the world.