Every game has some form of a HUD but what is a HUD? well a HUD also known as a heads up display is what type of icons or visuals are displayed on the screen whilst a player is in a game - the most common form of this is a health bar which indicates how much health the player currently has, there could also be a mini map in - either the top or bottom corner of the screen - to indicate where the player is currently and where their next objective is and how far the objective is compared to where they are.
There could also be an item symbol showing which item the player currently has equipped on them, genres such as FPS (first-person shooters e.g. call of duty, doom eternal etc.) there is usually an ammo symbol with some numbers written to the side of them to showcase how much ammo they have in the weapon that they have before they run out.
This image below is an example of what the HUD could look like in my game, the health of the player is indicated on the top left corner of the screen to showcase how much health the player has, then there’s how much weaponry the player has in terms of quantity which is pictured directly next to the health indicator, then there’s a map indicator shown on the right side of the screen to showcase the players next objective and far away they are distance wise to the next objective (indicated by centimetres). Then finally there’s a time gauge meter located directly underneath the health indicator, this is related to the game mechanic as when the meter is full the player will be able to utilise the mechanic if the meter is empty, then the player will have to wait at least 10 seconds for the meter to be full again.

The image on the left showcases that the player currently has full health and the image on the right indicates that the player has lost all their health.

The image on the left showcases the currently selected weapon and the quantity of how much they have and the image on the right shows that the player does not have enough of that weapon or none at all.

The image on the left showcases that the player will be able to use the time mechanic and use it on an object or an enemy. The image on the right shows that the meter is now empty and the player will have to wait at least 10 seconds for the meter to fill up to look like the left image.

This is a general map objective marker to show where the destination the player needs to get to, there will be a number displayed on the right side of the marker to show how much - in centimeters - they need to travel compared to where the player is currently standing.
These images down below show what the player will see during the title screen of the game first is the option to press start - I put both the PS4 and the XBOX button inputs as this will be a cross platform game. Then in the second image, this shows that the player has pressed start and the screen is slowly fading to black which leads onto the final image that showcases a loading screen with a hourglass to represent the time theme of the game and to signal to the player that the game is loading.